2013. március 13., szerda

Sonia Boszorkányvadász

Alap tulajdonságok:
  • Birodalom
  • Támadás: 3/5, Túlélés: 1/5, Támogatás: 1/5, Összetettség: 3/5
  • Távolsági és Közelharcos
  • 1250 Életerőpont
  • Páncél: 0% — Kitérés: 20%

The Witch Hunters of the Empire are vital, if reviled, tools of the realm. Driven by fanaticism, internal code, or mercenary spirit, these uncompromising individuals root out and cleanse corruption wherever it appears. It is a profession that demands unflinching resolve. Few Witch Hunters survive long enough to even contemplate retirement.

Sonia 'Daemonbane' Roth came to the Witch Hunters still wearing the blood-stained robes of a priestess. In her hand she carried the instrument of her broken vows - the pistol with which she'd executed a daemon-possessed man. The grim woman who entered the Temple of Sigmar in Altdorf little resembled the compassionate follower of Shallya who had spent her life ministering to the sick. Part of that was owed to the fresh scars which wrapped around her throat, but it was her eyes that had changed the most. Sonia no longer believed in the power of her god - or in that of any other.

Sonia has become a sharp blade, cutting deep into the corruption that plagues the Empire. Those that follow Chaos have come to fear her, hiding in the darkest corners, praying that she will not find them.

'Mercy is for the weak.' – Sonia 'Daemonbane' Roth

Confess!Közelharci. Sebzel 30-at.
Torment the WickedKözelharci. Sebzel 102-t.
ExecutionPisztolylövés. Sebzel 138-at.
Exit WoundPisztolylövés. Sebzel 196-ot 12 secen keresztül.
Silence HeresyPisztolylövés. Sebzel 30-at és elnémítod az ellenfelet 6 secre.

AccusationsSonia közelharci támadásai lecsökkentik a pisztolylövés képességeinek a cd-jét 2 seccel.
MurdererA káosz ellen 15%-al többet sebzel.

Clever Recovery10% chance on dodge: Deals 77 damage back against the attacker.
Backlash You deal 20% more damage to silenced enemies.
Grim Pragmatism You deal 10% more damage to enemies that are below 35% hit points.
Luck of the Gods Halves all damage taken while you are knocked down.
Scout's Eye5 Assist Streak: You will see enemies on your minimap for 20 seconds.
Uncover Conspiracy Your pistol shots now also deal 102 damage to one other enemy near the target.
Merciless Executioner Execution now also snares for 4 seconds.
Fervent Accusations Melee strikes now reduce the cooldowns of your pistol shots by 4 seconds.
Clear Proof! When hit by a magical attack, you will sprint for 4 seconds.
Deny Heresy Increases Silence Heresy's damage by 300%.
Ruthless Torment Increases Torment the Wicked's damage by 30%.
Executioner's Strike Melee strike. Deals 205 damage.

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