2013. március 13., szerda

Rockgut a Troll

Alap tulajdonságok:
  • Orkok, Goblinok (zöldbőrűek)
  • Támadás: 3/5, Túlélés: 3/5, Támogatás: 0/5, Összetettség: 1/5
  • Területi sebzés & Regeneráció
  • 1400 Életerőpont
  • Páncél: 0% — Kitérés: 0%

ClawSebzel 33-at és lassítás 3 secre.
BelchSebzel 74-et a körülötted állókra. Ellenségek az Acidic Vomit-ban többet sebződnek.
BiteSebzel 74-et az előtted állókra. Minden találatért 10% esély van, hogy az Acidic Vomit cd-je resetelődjön.
Foul WindSebzel 99-et a körülötted állókra.
Acidic VomitFolyamatosan sebzel 30-at és lassítod az ellenfeleket kis területen ahol állsz, 4 secig.

RegenerationRockgut folyamatosan regenerálódik.
MurdererBirodalmiakra 15%-al többet sebzel.

Restorative Burst10% chance on being hit: Regain 46 health.
Glorious Stand You deal 15% more damage when you are below 35% hit points.
Vigor Increases your maximum hit points by 100.
Terrible Transformation13 Kill Streak: Transform into a Rat Ogre until you die. In this form you have a powerful melee attack, can pull an enemy to you, and can knock an enemy down.
Swipe Deals 46 damage to enemies in front of you.
Rugged Regeneration Each tick of Regeneration now has a 50% chance to remove all damage over time effects.
Grab a Mouthful Bite now also restores 31 hit points for each target hit.
Foul Expulsion Foul Wind now deals 30% more damage.
Viscous Vomit Acidic Vomit now persists on the ground for an additional 2 seconds.
Discord Increases your resistance by 10%.

The life of a troll is fairly repetitive: smash and grab the nearest local wildlife, messily devour said wildlife, closely followed by regurgitation. Occasionally an unwary adventurer will provide a more substantial meal. But not often. Thankfully, these lumbering predators are about as brilliant as a guttering candle flame, and don't play well with others.

Those lucky enough to survive a chance encounter with a Troll usually do so by seeing the creature at a great distance, or simply outrunning their companions. Rockgut gets his name from a farmer by the name of Alfred Hannenbach who broke the tines off his best pitchfork trying to pierce the midsection of the stubborn troll. In fact, how the name came to be more widely known is a bit of a puzzle as the unfortunate farmer, along with the remains of his best pitchfork, soon became Rockgut's next meal.

Rockgut is a terror on the battlefield. He particularly enjoys wading into combat and showering his enemies with corrosive vomit before sitting down to gnaw upon their bones. While the troll's allies may feel they cannot count upon his continued allegiance, they CAN count on him giving their enemies a very, very, hard time.

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