2013. március 13., szerda

Koponyatörő Urukk

Alap tulajdonságok:
  • Orkok és Goblinok (zöldbőrűek)
  • Támadás: 4/5, Túlélés: 1/5, Támogatás: 0/5, Összetettség: 0/5
  • Sebzés és Támadás
  • 1000 Életerőpont
  • Páncél: 20% — Kitérés: 0%

No Greenskin WAAAGH would be complete without the volatile presence of Choppas: riotous Orcs armed with battered cleavers that must be vigorously, and sometimes fatally, restrained from launching into combat, either with enemies or each other.

Urukk 'Eadbreaker is a dual wielding Choppa who won his name during an altercation with a band of Ogre mercenaries in the employ of a Border Prince. Though Urukk successfully destroyed his opponent (a Maneater with a sizeable number of teeth each filed to a razor sharp edge), he lost a sizeable chunk of his skull in the process. Unconcerned, Urukk replaced his missing cranium with a bit of the Ogre's gutplate and charged back into battle. Unbeknownst to Urukk, the Ogre's breastplate was made with warpforged steel. What effects this has had on him are not yet known.

As far as Urukk is concerned, life is good. Blackouts are to be expected following prolonged scraps and weekend grog fests. In battle, Urukk is an unpredictable and somewhat overwhelming force. Unbound by any tenant of 'civilized' combat, Urukk is as likely to charge straight towards a mounted Bretonian Knight as a Dwarf engineer.

'I's gonna chop off dat 'ead of yours.' - Urukk 'Eadbreaker

ClobberSebzel 72-t az ellenfélre.
Go For Da Soft SpotSebzel 111-et és kicsit lecsökkented a célpont ellenállóképességét 3 secre.
Lotsa Choppin'Sebzel 33-at az ellenfélre ötször.
Shrug It Off!Sebzel 111-et az ellenfélre és közepesen megnöveled a páncélzatod 5 secre.
Dis Is My Choppa!Sebzel 111-et az ellenfélre kétszer.

Get In Da FightUrukk visszanyer 1%-ot az életerejéből minden egyes alkalommal amikor sérül.
MurdererAz ogrék ellen 15%-al többet sebzel.

Assault10% chance on critical hit: Increases the damage you deal by 30% for 10 seconds.
Steady Aim Increases your chance to critically hit by 10%.
Warped Flesh Increases your armor by 10%.
Sneak Attacks Increases all damage you deal by 10% when attacking from the rear.
WAAAGH!9 Kill Streak: For 10 seconds, you and all nearby allies take extremely reduced damage and are immune to stagger, snare, and root effects.
Don't Feel Pain Frenzy will now cause you to regain 2% of your health every time you are damaged.
Stop Choppin'! Deals 72 damage to the target, and greatly reduces the damage the target does for 8 seconds.
No Stoppin' Dis! You heal for 10% of all damage you do.
Shrug Dis Off! Deals 111 damage to the target, and moderately increases your critical hit chance for 5 seconds.
More Choppin! Lotsa' Choppin will hit your target 2 more times.

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