2013. március 13., szerda

Quaethar a Pengedalnok

Alap tulajdonságai:
  • Erdő tündék
  • Támadás: 5/5, Túlélés: 2/5, Támogatás: 0/5, Összetettség: 5/5
  • Kombinációs és Összetett
  • 1250 Életerőpont
  • Páncél: 0% — Kitérés: 25% 

On the eastern edges of Bretonnia lies the mystical forest of Athel Loren. Millenia ago, when the Elves first journeyed to the Old World, many were entranced by the forest. As the centuries passed, these elves communed with the spirits within, eventually being accepted as the forest's protectors. Known as the Asrai, they now defend the forest against any who would seek to harm it.

The Wardancers are a group of Wood Elves that revere the trickster god Loec. They journey among the forest in groups, performing the intricate dance rituals that re-enact the history of Athel Loren, and are highly respected for it. In battle, they move like water, flowing across the battlefield, switching from step to step in the intricate dances of Loec as their twin blades slice through their enemies.

Quaethar is a Bladesinger and a leader of a Kindred of Wardancers. He dances the intricate dances of his people, and his spear and sword have cut down countless foes that would threaten his homeland. He rarely speaks, instead choosing to let the swirling pattern of his limbs and blades speak for him as he dances across the battlefield.

'Come. Dance with the forest.' – Quaethar Bladesinger

Sublime StrikeSebzel 33-at. A következő Umbral Slash, Misting Slash vagy Storm Slash 2.25 secen belül háromszoros sebzést okoz.
Umbral SlashSebzel 72-t. A következő Twilight Lunge 2.25 secen belül nagy valószínűséggel kritikus lesz.
Storm of BladesSebzel 33-at kétszer. A következő Whirling Death 2.25 secen belül kicsit megnöveli a kitérésedet míg kasztolod.
Twilight LungeSebzel 150-et az előtted állókra.
Whirling DeathÖt secig kasztolod. Sebzel 16-ot minden 0.25 secben.

Whirling ShadowsKritikus találat esetén Quaethar kitérése 5%-al nő 10 secre. És kitérés esetén a kritikális találat esélye nő meg 5%-al 10 sec-re. Mindkét hatás halmozódhat ötször.
EmpoweredA sebzésed 3%-al nő minden egyes erdő tündével a csapatodban.

Mastery Name Mastery Description
Bloodlust5% chance on hit: Regain 71 health.
Assault10% chance on critical hit: Increases the damage you deal by 30% for 10 seconds.
Clever Recovery10% chance on dodge: Deals 77 damage back against the attacker.
Agility Reduces the durations of all root effects used on you by 50%.
Endless Blizzard5 Kill Streak: Deals 51 damage to all nearby enemies every 1 second, and snares enemies in the area. Any enemy hit 3 or more times by this effect becomes rooted in place for 3 seconds.
Umbral Storm Umbral Slash now deals an equal amount of damage to one other nearby enemy.
Lunging Impact Twilight Lunge will now knock away all enemies hit other than your target.
Sublime Swiftness Sublime Strike now causes you to sprint for 3 seconds.
Flurry of Blades Each hit of Storm of Blades now deals additional Low physical damage.
Whirling Cuts Each hit from Whirling Death will now also cause low physical damage every second for 4 seconds, stacking up to 20 times.
Misting Slash Deals 33 physical damage, bypassing all armor. The next Twilight Lunge within 2.25 seconds will bypass all armor.

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