Alap tulajdonságok:
- 1250 életerő
- Sebzés, Kontroll
- 0% Kitérés, 0% Páncélzat
- 4/5 Támadás, 3/5 Védekezés, 1/5 Támogatás, 2/5 Összetettség
- Démon
- Myledia támadásai mágikus eredetűek a sötét isten jóvoltából, és megsemmisít bárkit aki a közelébe kerül. A csábító aurája felez minden bejövő sebzést a közelében álló ellenfelektől.
- Myledia Tormenting Delusions képessége tántorgásra készteti az ellenfelet, és az Agonizing Strike extra sebzést okoz a tántorgó ellenfelekkel szemben. Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a képességeiddel a legnagyobb fájdalmat okozod ellenfeleidnek!
- Myledia legtöbb képessége bonusz sebzést jelent más körülötte állókra, ezért ha ellene játszol maradj tőle távol és szóródjatok szét.
Képesség neve | Leírása | |
Daemonic Claw | 25 mágikus sebzés. Egy közeli célpontot is sebez. | |
Agonizing Strike | 85 mágikus sebzés. Szinte mindig kritikus ha tántorgó ellenfélre megy. | |
Tormenting Delusions | 55 mágikus sebzés és 4 sec-ig tántorgást okoz. A célpont körüli minden ellenfél 16-ot sebződik. | |
Delighted by Pain | 85 mágikus sebzés. A következő 9 sec-ben, amikor a cél sebződik, Myledia gyógyul a sebzés 50%-val. | |
Torturous Caresses | 85 mágikus sebzés háromszor. Minden ellenfél körülötte 36-al sebződik háromszor. |
Passzív | Passzív leírása | |
Seduction Aura | Myledia csak fele sebzést szenved el a körülötte (5ft) állóktól. | |
Empowered | Sebzésed 3%-al nő, minden egyes démon után a csapatodból. |
Myledia az elbűvölő
The Chaos God Slaanesh is the god of lust, pleasure, and excess. Those that worship him dwell in the dark corners of the world, indulging their whims and desires as they see fit. All that Slaanesh touches is both indescribably attractive and horrifically corrupted, both attracting and repulsing any mortal that encounters it, and enemies of Slaanesh are often immobilized by their inability to comprehend the sights they are facing.
While all records of Daemons in the Empire are considered heretical and destroyed the moment that they are discovered, several Daemons have earned themselves a name amongst the population of the Empire. One such Daemon is Myledia, a Daemonette who has been terrorizing the lands of Talabecland for many years.
None are sure where her name originally came from, but she earned the title of 'The Enchanting' after she seduced the mayor of a small village just outside of Talabheim. When a passing witch hunter attempted to enter the village, the villagers erupted out of their homes, tearing him limb from limb, with a dark laughter echoing through the countryside. Nothing remains of the village now but the burned-out houses, while Myledia escaped and continues to roam through the countryside.
Daemonettes of Slaanesh are feminine in appearance, with lithe, seductive bodies and terrible claws instead of hands. Those that find themselves facing a Daemonette in battle must deal with their attraction and repulsion to the Daemon, and many are simply paralyzed by their lust and horror.
Myledia's infamy is mostly due to her corrupting an entire noble family. While the name of the family is lost, struck from history by the Witch Hunters, the story persists in rumors and hearsay. The story goes that Myledia stole into the Noble's bedroom in the middle of the night, and he was so taken by her terrible beauty that he murdered his own wife to be with her.
The next morning, his servants were awoken to her terrible laughter as he paraded her through the house. They were both stained red with blood, for they had murdered countless during the night and barred all the doors, preventing any from leaving. Within hours, only the Noble and Myledia remained, the rest of the household butchered. It is whispered that then, as he stared into her Daemonic visage, he whispered the word 'Beautiful' before he tore out his own heart to give to her.
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