"A mormogása magával hozza az utolsó időket." – Albodi, a sebhelyes. Xuq'ls következő héttől csatlakozik a Hősök csatájába. Tekintsük meg az új, első Démon Hős-t!
Alap Tulajdonságok
Xuql's, a Mormogó
- 750 Életerőpont
- Agresszív, Célzott
- 4/5 Támadás, 1/5 Túlélés, 0/5 Támogatás, 2/5 Összetettség
- Páncélzat: 0%, Kitérés: 0%
- Démon
Képességek | ||
Blast | Sebzel 49-et, 20% eséllyel Empowerment. (mágikus, 65ft) | |
![]() | Fire of Tzeentch | Sebzel 76-ot, kevesebb életerővel ez a támadásod erősödik. 50% Empowerment. (mágikus, cd 5 sec) |
![]() | Surge of Power | Sebzel 103-at és lassítasz 3 s-re, 100% Empowerment. (mágikus, cd 15 sec) |
![]() | Unsatble Servant | Megidézed egy Minor Horrort 5 s-re, ami folyamatosan 45-öt sebez mindenkire. Empowermentbe kerül.(mágikus, No cd) |
![]() | Expel Energy | Folyamatosan 34-et sebzel 3s-ig. Empowermentbe kerül. (mágikus, No cd) |
Passzív | ||
![]() | Empowerment | Xuqls támadásai kis eséllyel felhatalmazzák 5sec-re, hogy nagy erejű képességeket használjon. . |
![]() | Murderer | A tündékre 15%-al többet sebzel. |
Xuql's, a Mormogó
"In the far north, there lies a warped and barren wasteland, beyond the habitable areas of the world. Known as the Chaos Wastes, it is inhabited by the followers of the four gods of Chaos, the humans that have wandered too far from their lands and their humanity, and by the Daemonic servants of the gods themselves. It is a land devoid of hope or mercy, and only the suicidal venture there.
The Horror of Tzeentch: Xiththlthlhluuq'phakn'ndhppeommn'naehlaebheeowirarthhhabls is one such denizen of these wastes. Known to mortals as Xuq'ls, he has served to spread the power of Tzeentch for centuries. Many believe him to simply be a legend, as very few have seen him and lived, and fewer still are the ones who have retained any grasp on their sanity.
All tales of Xuq'ls are different, with disagreements on his size, strength, and color. However, one part of the tale is consistent. Xuq'ls speaks constantly, both in mortal tongues and the long-forgotten tongues of Chaos, and his gibbering tears at the edges of your sanity. His madness has scarred itself into the mind of all who have faced him."
Xuql's az Elmondhatatlan
Horrors of Tzeentch are impossible to predict, as their very nature is one of constant change. A horror may change colors with every step, limbs shifting, appearing, and rearranging as the Daemon of Change goes about its incomprehensible business. No mortal can fully understand the motivations of a Horror of Tzeentch, and none are willing to try, for risk of losing themselves to madness.
Xuq'ls has wandered the Chaos Wastes for longer than even the oldest Norse can remember. Though he often is serving the will of Tzeentch and spreading his god's power, he often finds himself with long periods of time all to his own. During many of these times, he has found himself drawn to the Norse, watching them stumble about the lands in their ignorance and weakness, and laughed at them as he subtly influenced them towards goals of his own choosing.
While none of the Norse will admit it, many of the tales they tell of great victories or crushing defeats at the hands of their neighbors are direct results of Xuq'ls' meddling. However, none of them name Xuq'ls as responsible, and his laughter at this fact can be faintly heard echoing through the Chaos Wastes.
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