2012. október 20., szombat


Végre még egy "hős" erősíti a vámpírok táborát, ugyanis Bonechewer a mocskos csontmarcangoló ghoul megérkezett!

"Bonechewer húsra éhes!"

Alap Tulajdonságok
  • 1250 életerő
  • Ghoul, Célzott
  • 3/5 Támadás, 1/5 Túlélés, 2/5 Támogatás, 1/5 Összetettség
  • Vámpír


Bonechewer the Foul 
Crypt Ghouls are horrifying sights for any who find themselves facing the Vampire Counts. They are hunched creatures with long, filth-encrusted claws, and they spread disease every time they are seen. Even a scratch is enough to confer a terrible illness that will usually result in a slow, painful death, though most that are caught are usually eaten first. 
Bonechewer has become something of a legend in the lands of Sylvania. Though he is bound to the service of a Vampire, his lord lets him roam the countryside to spread fear and filth through the lands. He has taken to this task with great glee, and numerous villages have awoken to find a house smashed open and its inhabitants devoured in the middle of the night. 
However, he earned the name 'the Foul' when one village woke to find that their elder's door had been smashed in. Fearing the worst, they entered, only to find the rooms empty but undisturbed. They searched high and low, eventually finding the mutilated corpse of the elder jammed in the well, befouling the village's water supply. The village was quickly abandoned as the villagers fled.
"Próbálnak elmenekülni és elbújni, de Bonechewer megtalálja őket!"

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