"Gyűlölettel, minden lehetséges."
Augusztus 14.-én jön az első Legendary Hero. Ezek a hősök véletlenszerűen jelennek meg a csatatéren (a mostani normál hősök 2 hetente jönnek folyamatosan), és egyelőre csak goldért lesznek elérhetőek. Kezdjetek el farmolni, ugyanis Malus 200.000 goldba kerül ( átlagos hero 20-30.000 körüli).
- 1250 életerő
- Területi sebzés és Páncélozott
- 5/5 Támadás, 4/5 Védelem, 0/5 Támogatás, 0/5 Bonyolultság
- Sötét Elf - Legendás
Malus minden képessége fizikai.
"Malus Darkblade was born into one of the noble families of Hag Graef. His ambition and thirst for power are unquenchable, and drove him to seek out an ancient, magical treasure. Upon discovering it, however, he found more than he had bargained for.
His body was possessed by the Daemon Tz'arkan, who claimed his soul. The Daemon gave him only one way to escape his fate - to find five artifacts of power that could be used to free Tz'arkan for all eternity. Malus was given a year to find all five, and his determination to succeed drove him to slay his own father for possession of one of the artifacts required.
Malus returned to the place of his possession one year later, but Tz'arkan had tricked him. The Daemon left Malus' body but took his soul. Caught between life and death, Malus wandered the Chaos Wastes for a decade. Armed with the Warpsword of Khaine, the only artifact remaining after freeing Tz'arkan, he was unstoppable. He eventually managed to retrieve his soul, but the Daemon was once again imprisoned within his body.
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