2012. július 9., hétfő

Ancient Archivist

"A halálod régen esedékes" Jövő héttől új Káosz hős érkezik, az Elkerülhetetlen város ősi könyvtárából

Alap tulajdonságok

  • Sebzés és kontroll
  • 1000 életerő pont
  • Páncélzat: 0%, Kitérés: 0%
  • 2/5 támadás, 1/5 túlélés, 4/5 támogatás, 5/5 összetettség
  • Káosz

ArchivistA1.jpgPraxis of UntruthA célpontra 22sebzés.Ha kritikálisan sebzel, akkor minden más képesség cd-je 1sec-el csökken. (0s cooldown, 65ft range)
ArchivistA2.jpgStrange HatredA következő támadásod 5sec-en belül többet sebez és majdnem mindig kritikális lesz. (5s cooldown, self)
ArchivistA3.jpgUnnatural SecretsA célpontra 76-ot sebzel és 3sec-re lassítod. Ha kritikálisat ütsz, 2secre megállítod az ellenfeled. (10s cooldown, 65ft range)
ArchivistA4.jpgBlasphemous WhispersA célpontra 103-at sebzel és 4sec-re kiütöd. Ha kritikálisan sebzel, a célpont körüli ellenfelekre is hasonlót sebzel.
ArchivistA5.jpgLeave in SilenceA célpontra 103-at sebzel és 4sec-re elnémítod. Ha kritikusat ütsz, a bónusz kritikus sebzés megnövekszik.
ArchivistP1.jpgEmpoweredA sebzésed 3%-al növekszik minden egyes chaos karakterrel a csapatodban.


The Archivist's Mastery Tree:
Unnatural Burden – Unnatural Secrets now snares for an additional 3 seconds.
Alacrity – Reduces all area damage you take by 5%.
Insane Whispers – Blasphemous Whispers now deals 103 damage when the stagger effect ends or is broken.
Strengthening Hatred – Strange Hatred now also restores 106 hit points.
Enjoy the Silence – Leave in Silence now lasts an additional 2 seconds.
Blasting – 5% chance on hit: Knocks the victim away from you a short distance.
Blasphemous Curse – (Alternate Ability - replaces Blasphemous Whispers) Deals 103 damage and blocks healing effects on the target for 4 seconds. If the ability critically hits, it also affects 1 other enemiy near the target.
Unholy Ward – (Perk) 10 Kill Streak: Marks a spot on the ground for 10 seconds, repeatedly dealing 114 damage and snaring enemies in the area.
Gods' Blessing – 1% chance on hit: Resets all ability cooldowns.
Backlash – You deal 20% more damage to silence targets.


The Ancient Archivist
The Chaos Wastes are a vast and trackless expanse that warps the reality of anyone unlucky enough to become lost within. Those who spend any prolonged measure of time wandering this blasted landscape soon notice the curious outline of a city upon the horizon. No matter the actual direction traveled, those who survive eventually arrive before the twisted and changing gates of the Inevitable City. It is, well, inevitable. Whether they ever leave is another matter entirely.
It is not known when the being now known as the Archivist first came to the Inevitable City. According to whispered rumors, long ago a human scholar arrived at the rune-laced gates and begged entrance to the ancient archives. After a private audience with Tchar'zanek the scholar was granted access to the Lyceum ... and was never seen again. 
In battle the Archivist is a chilling presence: its face (if it still has one) is hidden beneath a heavy cowl and its form is shrouded by a scroll-draped robe. Two desiccated hands are clasped at chest height as if holding an unseen tome. When the Archivist speaks only a fool refuses to listen.

"A változás hatalma elemészt minden tudatlant."